Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jordi Jose: Hydrodynamic simulations of type I X-ray bursts: metallicity effects

Jordi described his groups simulations of type I X-ray bursts using the 1D SHIBA hydro code coupled to a large network. In models with solar abundance of metals he finds very little 12C in the ashes (~1% by mass), peak nuclei with A~60, and, in general, results that approximately match those found by Heger et al. Sub-solar models (Z=0.001) had less energetic but longer bursts, lower alpha (alpha~30), synthesized heavier species (A~100), and smaller 12C mass fractions (~0.1%). More runs are in progress. Among the take home points (better constraints on Mdot, L, reaction rates), Jordi suggested we take home some local jewelry and handmade artwork :).

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