Jim kicked off the third day of the workshop with a nice discussion of the application of the equation of state (EoS) to properties concerning the crust.
For instance, he discussed how the thickness of the crust has a simple dependence on mass and radius and the chemical potential at core/crust boundary. He pointed to several types of observations that are dependent on the crust thickness, e.g., crustal cooling and neutron star seismology.
Jim finished with a summary of measured neutron star masses. What was particularly exciting is a recent well constrained mass measurement of 1.67 +/- 0.01 M_sun (Champion et al. 2008).
Finally, Jim's important take away point: observations of crustal properties can have significant ramifications on EoS, not just the crust itself.
Well done, Dr. Lattimer! Could anyone also provide with a link to that presentation slides in pdf, please. Thanks, in advance.